License Usage

In this step, you can take corrective action with respect to the automatic determination of the existing installations and the associated evaluations in the context of License Management. At the top of the wizard page, a list will be displayed which contains the current inventory. It shows all systems where a software installation was found which matches the previously entered definitions. If the Use exclusive assignment checkbox is enabled, the list only includes those systems which were actually assigned to the current software product in the System Assignment step. This is an alternative way to assign licenses to systems. This procedure is not available for user assignment. This exclusive assignment will not be reflected in the way how the software products are displayed in the license tree view. It will, however, be taken into account in the evaluations and reports.

The number of licenses in use in the company, as determined by the automatic software inventory mentioned above, will be displayed in the In use (assigned automatically) field. The difference between this number and the number of available, registered, purchased licenses will be shown in the License Balance. By entering a corresponding correction value in the Correction Value field, you can adjust the license balance manually. This procedure is always necessary if the automatic assignment was not possible for whatever reasons. The correction value may be either a positive or negative number. A positive correction value means that additional installations will have to be added to the installations found, i.e. additional licenses are required. In contrast, a negative correction value means that more licenses were found to be in use than are in reality. In this case, you can adjust the automatic inventory to the lower value. A correction value of zero means that the evaluation will only be based on the result from the automatic inventory. Manual correction values are kept beyond the expiration date of the registered licenses.
