Import Definitions

You can import previously exported license definitions to another database. To do so, click Import button in the Licenses ribbon. A dialog for configuring this import process opens.

After clicking the Docusnap-open-path button next to the field at the top of the dialog, you can select a previously exported definition file.

Select a target company where the corresponding data will be inserted during the import process. To determine if a given software product to be imported already exists for the target company, the name, the vendor and the version of the respective software product will be compared. If the name, vendor and version of the software product match and the checkbox next to the product to be imported is checked, all values related to the current software product will be overwritten in the target company.

The checkboxes in the Import Range group allow you to select which data will be imported from the import file into the database. Since some of the options are linked, disabling some checkboxes may cause another checkbox to be disabled as well.
