Data Import


The existing inventory technologies do not cover all objects or all desired information of objects that are required for a complete IT documentation. If the required data is available in CSV format as structured text, additional objects can be added via CSV import and existing objects can be extended with additional information.

The import can be done interactively once as well as automatically via the integrated scheduling.


  • IT assets, document fire extinguishers

    The fire extinguishers in the server rooms are to be listed in the emergency plan with type, location of maintenance history and the date of the next inspection. This data is already available in Excel format. From Excel, an export is made to CSV format, and via CSV import, new IT assets of the class “fire extinguishers” are created in Docusnap. Now this data is available for the IT documentation.

  • Tables, Windows systems extend with an inventory number

    A list with host name and inventory number of all Windows systems already exists in the company. After exporting to CSV format, the corresponding table of the Docusnap database is extended via CSV import. Now every already inventoried window system in Docusnap has an inventory number.