

    The framework for the business structures is located in the hierarchy Documentation. An additional editor is provided to create the documentation framework.

    Business structures consist of the following components:


    A framework is a self-contained unit for a documentation. The name of the framework is on the top level. Within the framework, all necessary views, levels, elements, structural elements, groups and properties are linked to one another.

    A framework can have multiple views. In addition, the entire framework can be exported and reused in another database.


    Using views it is possible to create different views on the same data within a framework. By creating multiple views it is possible to look at the same data from different angles and bring them into context with each other. Depending on whether data is to be displayed according to functional or technical aspects, for example.


    Levels provide a visually coherent representation of elements. Within a framework a once created level with all associated elements can be used in different views. Structural elements, elements and groups can be assigned to a level.

    Structural Elements

    Structural elements can be used to create additional sub-levels in each level. These serve above all the better structuring of elements.


    Elements are always assigned to a certain level or structural element. In principle, the used elements are always objects from the inventory tree of Docusnap.


    By using groups several elements can be combined into optical or logical units. This also serves for better visualization and in certain scenarios also the technical correctness of the representation.



    Different properties can be stored for elements to describe them further or to document features. Properties can be defined at will, eg “downtime” for a server. They are always assigned to the layers or structural elements and are thus assigned to all the elements assigned to them.