
Basically, the Docusnap database is structured in a hierarchical manner, starting from the tAccounts company table. On the next level, you can find the domains table (tDomains) and below it, the child tables for the respective modules.

Thanks to foreign keys, it is easily possible to visualize the database structure in the SQL Enterprise Manager.

To find out which tables are used at which level in the tree structures, open Docusnap Management. For more information about this topic, refer to the Meta Objects section.

Tables that contain the word “docu” in their name (e.g. tDocu, tADSDocu), are used to build the individual versions for each type of inventory scan. What is important in this is that each of these tables is linked with the tSnapshot table, since each scan is assigned to a unique snapshot. Furthermore, each of these tables contains a field named “Archiv” which indicates whether the entry is the most recent one (Archiv=0) or belongs to an older version (Archiv=1). Thus, using the Archiv=0 filter criterion is a quick and efficient way to access the most current data without having to spend much time verifying the last inventory scan date.